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Scroll down to access free RPG maps and fully-scaled monsters from level 1 to level 20. You are welcome to use and distribute these in any non-commercial manner so long as the author information remains intact.


The free maps and free adversaries provide the framework for you to write your own adventure. The adversaries can be easily scaled from level 1 thru level 20. Their hit points and damage values work within the D&D 5E (TM) universe.


If you prefer a complete storyline written specifically for the free maps, you can purchase the PDFs starting at $1.89. Full-color paperbacks are also available as well as Kindle editions for some of the adventures.


To be a great Dungeon Master means you need to be a great storyteller, and there's an art to it. An unfolding story is mechanical in nature; the best stories follow a measurable pattern with their deliverance of storyline information. It's no different than a math calculation. Many moons ago I studied the most successful films over a couple year span and cracked the code on captivating an audience. If you are serious about storytelling (whether you're a DM or you write fiction or even if you're a public speaker), I recommend the following books: The Seven Moments in Storytelling and The Seven Moments in Screenwriting. Writing a movie script may not seem like it relates to being a DM, but it absolutely does. They're both forms of storytelling, and if you want to be the best DM that you can be then you must learn how to organize and deliver storyline information.  


Please read: How to scale the monsters from level 1 to level 20 


The Tailor's Task


Tailor's Task NPCs and adversaries (fully-scaled from level 1 to level 20): Black Panther, Gargoyle, Giant Snapping Turtle, Goblin Thief, Hill Giant, Hydra, Kobold, Lost Warrior, Mountain Lion, Orc Scout, Pit Demon, Satyr, Sea Hag, Spiked Ball Demon, Spitting Death Adder, Wight, Wood Nymph


Assault on the Spider Necromancer's Lair - Deluxe Edition

Assault on the Spider Necromancer's Lair NPCs and adversaries (fully-scaled from level 1 to level 20): Warrior Spider, Acid Arachnid, Shrieker, The Beast, Spitter, Aunt Bernice, Worshipper, Drake, Charlotte, Illusionist, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Panther Recluse, Murphy, Red-Backed Spider, The Spider Necromancer


Death Maze - Deluxe Edition

Death Maze NPCs and adversaries (fully-scaled from level 1 to level 20): coming soon!


13 Character Backstories


Effective and entertaining roleplaying requires detailed backstories. This book provides 13 original characters each with their own detailed histories that can be used in any adventure with relative ease and minimal preparation. They are compatible with all fantasy RPG systems. Please read the sample character provided below in order to get an idea of the historical depth provided for each character.


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Collector's Editions:

Death Maze Deluxe Edition (three books + DM screen + stamped + signed) - out of print
Assault on the Spider Necromancer's Lair Deluxe Edition (three books + DM screen + stamped + signed) - out of print
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